2023 National Summit on Combined Heat and Power
The 2023 National Summit on Combined Heat and Power will feature a diverse group of stakeholders, including industry experts, end-users and potential hosts, government leaders, policymakers, utilities, climate advocates, and other members of the clean energy community from across the country and world.
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance (CHP Alliance) is the leading national voice for the deployment of combined heat and power (CHP) and waste heat to power (WHP). We are a coalition of businesses, labor, contractors, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions with the common purpose to educate all Americans about CHP and WHP, and how CHP and WHP can make America’s manufacturers and other businesses more competitive, reduce energy costs, enhance grid reliability, and reduce emissions. We operated as the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency from 2010 to 2019, but in September 2019 we changed our name and refocused our mission on CHP and WHP.
The Combined Heat and Power Alliance advocates for state and federal policies that reduce financial and regulatory barriers for CHP and WHP. We work to expand markets for CHP and WHP systems by supporting smart energy legislation and by highlighting the role that CHP and WHP can play in reducing emissions.
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